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Trump expands long-standing immigration ban to include six more countries, most in Africa

PHOTO CREDIT: © Andrei |Adobe Stock Photo

President Trump added six countries to his administration’s travel ban Friday — including ­Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country — in a widely anticipated expansion that Democrats blasted as “clearly discriminatory” against people from predominantly black and Muslim nations. Citing national security concerns, officials at the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department said Trump’s proclamation would bar most citizens of Nigeria, Eritrea, Myanmar and Kyrgyzstan from coming to work and live in the United States....

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U.S. Imposes New Visa Rules For Pregnant Women

The State Department revealed new visa rules on Thursday that could affect pregnant women traveling to the U.S. The rules are designed to restrict so-called “birth tourism,” which applies to women giving birth in the U.S. so their children can have citizenship. Applicants will be denied tourist visas if consular officers determine their visit is designed primarily to give birth and obtain citizenship for their child, according to the rules that take effect Friday. The rules...

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Here are five USCIS changes that will impact legal immigrants in the U.S. in 2020


The U.S. immigration system saw many changes ordered by the Trump administration during 2019, including some that will take effect in 2020. The changes by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will have a significant impact on the lives of millions of immigrants living legally in the United States. Designed to slow legal immigration and strengthen the Department of Homeland Security’s ability to enforce immigration laws, some of the changes create obstacles in the immigration process....

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