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We're the most effective law firm for your money

Family Based Immigration

Employment Based Immigration

Asylum & Deportation Proceedings

Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver

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Did You Know?

The United States Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS) reports that 67% of all applications and petitions filed without legal counsel are DENIED.


This happens because immigration law is one of the most complex areas of law in the United States. Here is what our courts have said about the complexity:


The statutory scheme defining and delimiting the rights of aliens is exceedingly complex. Courts and commentators have stated that the Immigration and Nationality Act resembles ‘King Mino’s labyrinth in ancient Crete,’ and is ‘second only to the Internal Revenue Code in complexity.‘” Chan v. Reno, 1997 U.S. Dist. Lexis 3016, *5 (S.D.N.Y. 1997).

Can’t You Just Fill Out The Forms?

Of course you can! However, there are lots of things that you can but shouldn’t do. Preparing your immigration case involves much more than completing the proper forms and handing them in to the appropriate Federal agencies. In these times, your very liberty could be at stake.


It is important that experienced immigration attorneys review the specific facts of your case, determine the appropriate legal remedies, determine potential pitfalls or liabilities associated with the application, and guide your case through the appropriate federal agencies.


What’s more, under the Trump administration, things are getting even more complicated. The rules are changing rapidly – by the day. This is not the time to go it alone. There’s too much at stake.

Why Hire An Attorney?

Immigration law is complex – and getting more so. Much of an immigration attorney’s work is associated with anticipating legal issues, solving legal and pragmatic problems, avoiding delay, and resolving legal complications.


Moreover, strategy is important. When you hire an immigration lawyer, you benefit from the years of experience, legal training, continuing education, and personal and professional relationships of that attorney with the government officers.


Chances are good that the people, plans, and future opportunities that are depending on the outcome of your immigration case deserve good legal representation. Limiting yourself to odds of success of “one in three” is not acceptable.

Why Becker & Associates, P.A.?

Becker & Associates, P. A. is a full service immigration law firm — Immigration is what we do. Which means you are choosing a law firm that is specialized to address all of your immigration needs.


What’s more, we will not take your case — or your money — if we genuinely do not believe that we can help you. Our dedicated attorneys are diligent and ethical and known for getting the kind of results that others have not.


The attorneys at Becker & Associates, P.A. are recognized by the most prestigious legal organizations in America. However, the kind of recognition we seek daily is that given to us by satisfied clients, whom we have treated fairly and ethically and for whom we have achieved outstanding results. Excellence is our standard — success is our tradition.


Do not entrust your immigration issues to lesser counsel. Contact us today to see if we can make a difference. Your initial consultation  is free.

Got Green Card and Naturalization with Becker & Associates. Wonderful job.

Claudio Fernandes

We have our Green Cards! I can't say enough good things about Brian Becker and his team. They explain the process well, reply to your emails immediately and answer your questions professionally and politely. My husband and I have used Brian Becker's services for 6 years to get our first 5 year visa's and then apply for Green Cards. He is kind, considerate and courteous, is always available to help and has amazing team that follow suit. His fees are very fair for the top class service that is given. I would recommend Brian Becker to anyone. Thank you Brian, for everything you have done for us.

Janine Hamilton

For us, 1 November was a new beginning; we have the green card thanks to Brian and all the team. We find in this office great professional people willing to help us with everything we need to achieve the goal that we have. Thank you Becker & Associates; thank you Brian and Ioana.

Valentina Ovidiu Neagu

Our mastery of complex immigration laws and fluency in several languages best serves all your immigration needs. Call us today.

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    Immigration Law

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