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Becker & Associates, P.A. > Posts tagged "DACA"

Congress Needs To Hold ICE Accountable for Abuses

PHOTO CREDIT: © Andrei |Adobe Stock Photo

When Karah de Oliveira and her husband, Fabiano, showed up at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Office in Lawrence, Massachusetts, they expected to have an interview about their marriage, the first part of an application for a green card. Fabiano has lived in the U.S. since 2005 and the two have a 5-year-old son together. But Immigration and Customs Enforcement had other ideas. ICE arrested Fabiano, who became one of many members of our communities who have been arrested while...

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The truth about DACA Dreamers

    What are the facts about "Dreamers"? There is a particularly fraudulent meme floating around the Internet, which cites extremely dubious statistics to convince readers that the young undocumented immigrants known as "Dreamers" are a detriment to society. The meme seemingly cites accurate statistics to dispute the claim that so-called "Dreamers" have had a positive impact on American society. According to Snopes, it is MOSTLY FALSE. You can read their report in the link below. However, the next time...

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Civil Immigration Enforcement Actions Inside Courthouses


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are now going into federal, state, and local courtrooms to make arrests. According to a new ICE directive issued January 10, 2018: "ICE civil immigration enforcement actions inside courthouses include actions against specific, targeted aliens with criminal convictions, gang members, national security or public safety threats, aliens who have been ordered removed from the United States but have failed to depart, and aliens who have re-entered the country illegally after being...

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Deportations Of Noncriminals Rise As ICE Casts Wider Net

WASHINGTON — The number of immigrants deported from the interior of the U.S. who had no criminal convictions nearly tripled during President Donald Trump’s first fiscal year as president, as he carried out his promise to ramp up enforcement on the undocumented population. The Trump administration insisted on Tuesday that agents are still focused on criminals, even though the president eliminated policies from the previous administration that instructed agents to prioritize some immigrants over others. A majority of immigrants...

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